It's been way too long since my last blog, so I've decided to start anew. The best thing about this new blog is that I'm starting at the 10th week of my pregnancy. :) On November 12th, Jeff and I found out that I was pregnant and it's been a whirlwind since then.
We had our first prenatal appointment with our amazing OB - Dr. Ecklund, on December 8th, 2008. We had our first ultrasound and as you can see it is such an amazing thing. We heard the baby's heartbeat and even saw the baby's hands moving back and forth.
We picked out names when we were 18 (assuming that we would be sharing the rest of our lives together), so if the baby is a boy, he will be Braiden Michael Vinco Bartlett; and if the baby is a girl she will be Mia Victoria Vinco Bartlett.
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and I cannot wait to enjoy every minute of it. My official due date is July 10, 2009 so the baby will likely be a Cancer. Ironically, Jeff and some of his closest friends are born in July, so it's a good sign to have I suppose.
I haven't been as nauseous as of late, but this morning was bad for me. Right between 9:30 and 10:30 I really felt sick for some reason. Jeff is on break from his school and is also currently between jobs, so he was at home cleaning all day...it was WONDERFUL.
I'll keep this updated as often as possible with new developments. For now, I've picked up Bella Bands, which allow you to wear all your pre-maternity jeans with a band that converts them to maternity pants, my prenatal vitamins to hit my daily intake for iron, folic acid, calcium, etc. for the baby's health and bone development, and we received a baby toy from one of Jeff's clients.
I'm anxiously awaiting the baby, but will definitely be enjoying my pregnancy! :)