Pregnancy Ticker

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Maternity Photos & 37 weeks!

It has been quite some time since I've updated this! My most sincere apologies for the delay! It has been a very hectic past few weeks. Following the bay area baby shower - we had our Sacramento baby shower which was a huge succes - photos to follow.

As one of our gifts, Braiden's godmother, Amanda Baker purchased a maternity photo shoot for us so that we could capture this very special moment in our lives.  THANK YOU & I LOVE YOU. 

Excuse my roots - I didn't want to put bleach in my hair while Brai was developing, but I want to get my hair done some time this week - I MISS MY HIGHLIGHTS!!

There are a few pics that Joelle (the photographer) added to her blog. The rest of the set will be available sometime this week.

For baby updates - I am officially 37 weeks as of yesterday, June 19th! This means that the baby can survive outside of the womb on his own. My official due date is July 10 (calculated at my 40 week mark) so it could be any day now.

I'm feeling great, but my feet are relatively swollen...I am focusing on drinking more water. I've finished getting all the baby stuff put away and organized into their spots so we are GOOD TO GO. I weigh 163 lbs!!!! I have NEVER seen tha tnumber on the scale and I'm hoping I can recoupe sometime soon!

I will post pics of all his stuff and the rooms very shortly :) Baby is head down, feet up in my belly his back is on my right side and his hands are on the left. Braiden has hiccups often, and they are the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to meet him! I can't wait for everyone to meet him. This weekend, Jeff's little sister is @ soccer camp @ Stanford so for my daily 'outing' I would like to watch her play for a little bit.

Other than that - I have to finish mailing out thank you cards for the baby shower(s) and do grown up people laundry (mine and jeffs)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

30 Days to Go!!!!

This past weekend Jessica, Natalie and Erin hosted my Bay Area Baby Shower.  It was so much fun and so good to see everyone!  It was a bbq/hangout more than anything else, but it was just great to spend time with my bay area friends.  

We are now 30 days away from my official due date and I am getting so very, very, anxious for the baby to arrive already!  He's still moving a TON day in and day out.  He is typically most active at 10:30pm...he's starting to boot me a lot now.  It's really fun to guess which limb I'm feeling and to feel his hiccups.  I was feeling what I thought was my very own heartbeat - but I learned this weekend that they are the baby's hiccups!  Isn't that cute?!?!!  It's a good sign that his lungs are developing :)

My nutritionist appointment went well - I only see her ONE more time before I deliver.  I have my appointment with Dr. Ecklund on Friday and my pre-admission papers are all filed.  We just have to take a tour of the hospital to make sure we know where to go during hours, after hours and to get an idea of what to expect on the big day!  

We're getting so close and I am so very very anxious :-)  We have our last baby shower with friends and family in Sacramento this weekend.  On Sunday, we will also be taking our professional photos with a photographer - provided by Braiden's godmother, Amanda Baker.  We are so excited and can't wait for it!


Val & Baby