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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Engagement Story

Last weekend, Jeff and I got engaged.  On February 14th - Jeff officially proposed and I finally got my bling bling!  :-)  I'm loving it.  Obviously it is a little anti-climactic since I'm already pregnant, but I'm still SO SO SO happy.  

Some of you have asked how it happened so here are the who what where when etc. of the special night.

Who:  Jeff, me, Jacob (Jeff's best friend), Katie (Jacob's girlfriend)
What:  Engagement night
Where:  Pier 39, San Francisco, CA
When:  Around 7:30ish - Sat, 2/14/09
Why:  Duh.

Full story:
We had a double date planned for Valentine's day.  We were going to play and frolic around the city with Jake and Katie.  We picked up Jake and Katie from their hotel and Jeff told me that him and Jake needed to be dropped off on Market St. because Jake forgot to get Katie a gift.  SO, I say okay - coo...I'll play it off and pretend like I don't know what's going on.

So all of a sudden we're rolling down on Market Street, and Jake and Jeff go, OK - girls go get your nails done or something I'll call you when we're done.  So Katie and I are obviously wondering what's going on and I supposedly 'know' that Jake forgot to get Katie a gift so I play it off and say, "Jeff probably didn't get me anything - so he's running to grab something for me real quick."  Katie asked me, "Oh does he procrastinate a lot or something?" I said, "Girrrrlll, we've been together for almost 7 years and he hasn't proposed yet...if that isn't procrastination, I don't know what is."

Little did I know - the ENTIRE time...Katie knew that this was the moment where Jeff was actually picking up my engagement ring from the jewelers.  I had been double-crossed....but I had no idea.

So the day continues on, we picked Jeff and Jacob back up from market street and make our way to the pier.  We have a great dinner at the Fog Harbor Fish House - service was a littttle whack, but overall it was a good dinner.  I had lobster, calamari, shrimp cocktail, bread, veggies, potatoes and some 7up.  Pretty good.  We wrap up dinner and head back toward the main pier.  Jeff says we should all walk down the pier and Jacob and Katie say they want to find a bathroom first.  So Jeff and I walk ahead down the pier and pull over almost towards the end into this little divot/lookout point.  We walked arm in arm or hand in hand maybe then stood in each others' embrace at the lookout point.  

Jeff said, "You know, I really meant everything I said in your Valentine's Day card... I couldn't do anything without you - I love you so much"  So we hug, kiss, make out, and just look out and talk for another few minutes.  Then Jeff looks over my shoulder and says, "Do you see that over there?  is that something else we could do while we're out here."  Not expecting anything, I turn around and take a look at what he's saying and when I turn back around - Jeff is on his knees with ring in hand open in a nice little box and says, "Will you marry me."  Obviously, as tears roll down my face I said, "YES!  Of course I will..."  and so the night went on we ended up going to a bar to 'celebrate' so they all drank and I had water...LOL then we went back to Jacob and Katie's room in this crazy part of the city called the Tenderloin.  We change and head out to the Fusion bar and lounge a couple blocks away.  Jeff and I aren't really into that scene - well not anymore anyway - so we called it a night around midnight and went back to our place back in Sunnyvale.

Great night, and now - a wedding to plan on top of planning for the arrival of Braiden.  Whew....what a year and a half of my life this is going to be.  

Belly pics and my blog about being 20 weeks prego to come shortly - must get laundry and clean upstairs first.  :)



Crystal Langley said...

I LOVE IT!!! Congrats again :D

Shan D! said...

valdemiere! I'M SO FUCKIN' HAPPY FOR YOU! i'm super sad you didn't tell me. i swear we were on each other's nuts with stuff like that, but i just read the whole story, and how it happened, and my Lord did i ever get tears/chills. Jeff is awesome. you are one lucky girl, and he is one lucky guy. CONGRATULATIONS TO BOTH OF YOU! i know....SHIT do i know what you have been through. and through it all, you never gave up. NEVER! you always thought NEVER gave up. i'm so proud of you. i'm so proud of ALL your accomplishments; EVEN in high school. high school, UCLA, gettin' a job,keepin' up with Jeff and his deployments and packages to him, (you KNOW i KNOW how tough that is. i'm going through it AS I TYPE)BEING PREGNANT (aaaaahhhh! congratulations on braiden...AGAIN!!) u just get ur shit done. and you have so much on your hands, but u manage everything. you're awesome. and i'm super-duper happy for you.

yeah, maybe we haven't talked much the past year, but with rob coming home and us living together the past year, and then him deploying, and jeff coming home, and you finishing school and living with jeff and getting pregnant and everything else you've been thru i dont' know about, and all i've been thru i haven't been able to tell you about.....this past year has been hectic. but before this past year, we've been friends since...BEFORE that little freshman varsity soccer picture you have of us. BEFORE that picture val. THAT IS CRAZY! and thru it've always been an awesome friend. you know that because i've told you before. but...i just wanna tell you again. lol! well..there's so much more i can say, and will say but...TO YOU. and until enjoy being pregnant and engaged and i'll talk to you ASAP!

i freakin' love u val and miss u like crazy!

-shan-it-dooooooo! =0)