It's completely pathetic that it's been 20 days since my last post -- shame on me. You've gotta understand what a woman goes through when preggo though, I was tired a lot.
What's happened lately?
I took Braiden (my first son 1.5 years old) to the doctor's for a well baby visit. He's doing well is pretty tall, about average for both weight and head size. Everything else was biz as usual for the next few days and then I found myself in San Francisco for a work conference. It was interesting and fun, but so hard to get a good night's rest in when you're in a lonely hotel room. I know what it means to find happiness in waking up to the one you love, because there really isn't anything else like it... especially being away on biz travel.
I had my OB appointment on Friday, Feb 11 and had the most embarrassing moment at the OB to date. I went in and was excited that they were going to do the ultrasound. I decided to switch to Cedars Sinai and sans UCLA med center (not that I'm not loyal to my Bruin family...just need to do what's best for the baby)...and felt more comfortable with the wondrous feedback I'd heard about Cedars. I went in to see the ultrasound technician and she said "hop on up here" onto the table. I had seen one of the 'earlier' ultrasound mechanisms set up -- it's the kind that goes inside of you to get the ultrasound -- so I naturally just assumed I needed to get undressed. The technician had the look of death on her face. Apparently I was already far along enough where they could take the ultrasound on top of my belly -- OOPS! So it was the most awkward visit to say the least. Moving along, everything looked great. My due date according to the ultrasound is August 18th (my dad's bday!) We'll be full of summer bdays.
I finally met my own OB Dr. Tsui and he is great. Very knowledgeable, personable, and encouraged I also meet the other doctors since they all work as a group and depending on who is on call on the day that I deliver, that is who will be working with me when the baby is due. Everything else is on track, next appointment in mid-March will likely be when we can determine the gender. Hip Hip Hooray.
We've got a name if it's a girl: Mia Victoria Vinco Bartlett.
If it's a boy...we've got a few floating around:
- Dallas Bentley Vinco Bartlett
- Cameron Jacob Vinco Bartlett
- Killian Jaxon Vinco Bartlett
- Kavanaugh Slater Vinco Bartlett (Nickname: Kav!)
I'll probably put up one of those voting polls to see what name gets the most votes. Either way, we're so excited to be welcoming another one into the home.
I'm off to get a little bit of work done before the week gets off to a full start.
This week we'll be seeing Josh, Christa, Blayne, and Logan! We're so excited to have a little piece of home here with us in LA. We plan on going to Legoland, but the weather doesn't look too promising for the weekend, so we'll see how it all nets out.
All Star weekend finally came to a close, but now it's time for the Oscars to move in...LA is a city that never really sleeps.
We love it here.
Till Next Time.
<3 Mama Bartlett.
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