Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, March 23, 2009

Round Ligament Pain

I haven't been able to update as much as I've wanted to...sorry! I have taken pics but just haven't gotten around to uploading them qute yet. I have a lot on my plate with work and cleaning up around the house and march madness...haahhaaa so it's been a little quiet from me.

I've been experiencing some tenderness and achiness in my lower abdomen and it was really freaking me out...especially since I hadn't felt Braiden moving as much as he used to. I called my doc and she says that if I haven't had any bleeding and no severe pain then everything should be ok. Also - most of the pin tends to be on my right side and only comes up when I'm walking around. They call this pain (which is normal during my stage in the pregnancy) - round ligament pain. It is essentially the same reason that my ribs hurt so much - my uterus is growing outside of my pelfic bone which creates a lot of discomfort. Similarly, my uterus is growing upward and Braiden happents to like to rest a limb or his head near my ribs. It's crazy.

I won't know for sure what the achiness in my abdomen is, but my next baby appointment is on March 31 so I'll know soon enough. He has been back up to speed and kicking plenty enough for me to notice him throughout the day.

I can't wait to be a mommy and have been buying some really ridiculously cute clothes - maybe I'll take a pic of the stuff I've bought so far.... anyway...that's about it for me. :)

Check back soon - I'll have updates again in the next few days.

<3 Val

Monday, March 09, 2009


I've been a huge failure on keeping this up to date! It's been two weeks and one day since my last post and I STILL haven't uploaded a new belly pic.

Things have been hectic as you can imagine. I've been busy WORKING OUT! :) Jeff and I had our monthly checkup on March 3rd and AFP screen results were good - lowest risk for all 4 things they analyze and also my placenta is at a good spot. I did find out that I weight 145 - WOOPS.

The doctor said she only expected me to be in/around 137 so I definitely exceeded that so I've been a little more conscious about the decisions I've been making in terms of food and I've supplemented all of my juice drinking with water.

I purchased headphones for Braiden and put on Journey, some rock, classical, and hip hop for him to listen to - he LOVES Journey and Phil Collins! <3 LOL. So exciting. Fist pumpin in my tummy already. He usually is pretty active from 5/6pm onward but as of late he's been a little bit more active DURING the day as opposed to later on...I think he's also thrown off by the time change.

Braiden is doing great, I'm great, Jeff is great - mohawk and all. I'll wrap this up and get to my wedding planning - but stay tuned for pics!!! I will get those up as soon as I can.