Pregnancy Ticker

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Delivery Day - The Experience

I've had this post half written for the past month...and it's about time I finish it.

First and foremost, I'd like to give a BIG thanks to all of my friends and family that have visited and offered their help/support during my pregnancy and post-pregnancy times...and a big thanks also to those who sent their best wishes and congratulated Jeff and I on the arrival of Braiden :)


My official due date was July 10, 2009. Jeff and I went in to our last weekly OB appointment with Dr. Ecklund on July 3rd. At that appointment Dr. Ecklund had stripped my membranes (meaning loosened some stuff down low to get the labor process started). It was mildly painful, but nothing like real labor (which you'll hear about in a few paragraphs - LOL). After she stripped my membranes I felt contractions for the next week or so off and on. The deal was that if I hadn't gone into labor on my own, I would be induced on July 9, 2009 because July 10th didn't work out logistically for the hospital - they already had several scheduled C-sections and inductions so I was assigned July 9th. Typically, doctors don't schedule an induction or induce labor unless there is something that could cause harm to the baby or the mother. Because I had gestational diabetes (my body wasn't processing sugar correctly due to the hormones present in my body b/c of the pregnancy) medical professionals don't let you go past your due date because it leads to a higher risk of a c-section (non-vaginal birth.)

I was instructed to call the hospital the morning of July 9th to find out what time they wanted me to come in. I was supposed to call @ 6:30 am but after a night of restless sleep I ended up calling at 7am. I was expecting the nurse to say come sometime in the afternoon but lo and behold when I called they said, alright 7:30am - see you soon! I frantically woke Jeff up and said we have to get ready and then I woke up my mom, dad, brother, and Jeff's grandparents who were all here the night before I delivered.

I got to the hospital at about 7:45am and they admitted me into my delivery room. It was HUGE and gorgeous and had lots of room for everyone to join. When Nurse Sue (who I must say was AMAZING) came in to do the preliminary check I was already close to 4cm dilated (meaning my labor would have probably started on its own in the next few days anyway). Nurse Sue put in the IV (2nd most painful part of the birthing experience - next to contractions) and then put on the monitors for the baby's heartbeat and for my contractions. Like you see on most TV shows like Baby Story and Bringing the Baby Home on TLC the sheet that prints out of the machine shows the baby's heartbeat on one of the graphs and another graph illustrates the length, intensity, and time between contractions. Up until I went to the hospital my contractions were sporadic. Often they'd come in spurts about 10-15 minutes apart, sometimes 5 minutes apart, but never VERY intense (just uncomfortable) and they never lasted longer than 1 hr.

At about 8:30 Sue started the Pitocin (chemical released through the IV drip that speeds up contractions). The Pitocin got my contractions to be closer together, but not that intense. Nurse Sue asked me what my pain tolerance level was from a scale from 1-10 and I told her I'd go till 8 or 9 even - I wanted to do the entire birth NATURALLY - without an epidural. She said she was proud of me for picking 8/9 since most women say 5/6. She said her goal was to make my face turn into the face of pain (not that she wanted to hurt me) but she needed to get my contractions close together.

At about 10am my contractions were still a few minutes apart, some more intense than to get it going even faster, Sue got Dr. Ann Wong (who delivered Braiden :) ) to break my water. In order to break my water, Dr. Wong took a stick put it up there and poked the bag holding the amniotic fluid and I felt a GUSH of water and for awhile after trickles of I was peeing uncontrollably.

After my water was contractions became MUCH more intense coming still about 3 or 4 minutes apart sometimes. They were definitely starting to hurt more and more. I'd say the pain level by noon was at a 5 or 6 even.

The pain went to a 7 around 1 or 2pm and it stayed at that level for another couple of hours. I cried...yeah..I tried not to....but it hurt 3 o'clock pm my contractions were coming every minute or two and were SO intense. The pain felt like I wanted to poop out a bowling ball (pressure on my tail end from Braiden's head) and THE WORST menstrual cramps in the world. Take normal period cramps and multiply it by 8723648. It ached, it was sore, it was a sharp pain, and it came OFTEN. I felt like I only had 30 seconds of rest between my contractions because they were close together and they lasted such a long time!

Nurse Sue came in and asked me if I wanted an epidural - it was at the point that I NEEDED to decide. If I said no, I wouldn't be able to get one because I was already 8.5 cm dilated!! I looked at Jeff and he told me to do what I needed to do. So I said, yes, please....anything to make the pain go away. She left to go find the anesthesiologist and came back a few minutes later to let me know that he was doing the anesthesia on a gal who was having a c-section and he'd be by within the next half hour to do my epidural. Sure enough Dr. Alex the anesthesiologist came in 15 minutes later to administer my epidural.

I turned around and he first cleaned off my lower spine and then put some kind of tape on it. I don't really know since I couldn't see. I hurled over and crunched down into a ball, holding my pillow and Nurse Sue's arm. Dr. Alex then administered the epidural, I got a catheter as well because I would be numb from half of my stomach down. Once the epidural was in and had kicked in - I was a happy camper. I could still feel pressure, but the pain of the contractions had gone away.

At 4pm, it was already time to push. Everyone except for my mom and Jeff left and waited until I finished. At the start of the induction they said with good time I would be done by 8 o'clock so I made EXCELLENT progress.

At 4pm I pushed and my first couple of pushes were pathetic. I didn't make any progression because I couldn't feel what muscles I was pushing/using b/c of the epidural. By the third push I had started to understand which muscles I needed to use and I was making good progress. Dr. Ann Wong came in to see how we were doing and she was surprised at how quickly things were moving. She 'stretched me out' meaning she was 'down there' pulling and stretching out the walls as I pushed so that I progressed faster. Jeff could see the baby's head starting to crown as I pushed, then it would go back in as I took in a breath. I was exhausted. So exhausted that I puked! Nurse Emily (who took over for Sue shortly after my epidural) put an oxygen mask over me since I wasn't breathing as efficiently and we needed to make sure Braiden got an ample supply of oxygen.

Nurse Emily put a mirror down below so that I could see what was going on down there - I didn't think I'd want to see it, but it was motivating. When I could see Braiden's head I wanted to push. When Dr. Wong came in for the 2nd time she said - let's get everything ready, looks like we'll have the baby here in 15 minutes! I was getting so excited. I had some VERY productive pushes and soon enough Braiden's head was OUT. Dr. Wong said not to push when his head came out, they suctioned his mouth and nose and then she told me to push and then there he was. <3

5:24pm on July 9th, 2009 - 7 lbs. 4 oz., 20" long and beautiful as ever. They wiped most of the vernex (white gushy stuff that covers them while they're inside) off and then they put him right on my chest. Jeff cut Braiden's umbilical cord. I cried so hard as soon as they placed him on my chest...the moment was completely jaw dropping, awe inspiring, and UNFORGETTABLE. The nurse(s) took Braiden back to clean him up and bundle him up and get a beanie on his head. He was crying and crying (the only time I think I will appreciate that he was crying) and then when they handed him to me he was quiet. It was amazing.

Jeff held Braiden shortly after I had my time with him, and my dad, brother, mom, and Jeff's grandparents all took their time looking at Braiden. So far, all we see in "who does he look like" so far is - Braiden has my nose, and Jeff's feet, and possibly Jeff's eyes. Expression-wise, his bottom lip quivers and drops really low just like mine does before crying. :) Jeff is in trouble with our pouty lips.

Braiden's got the most beautiful smile ever - so I'm gonna hand that to Jeff since he's got a handsome smile as well. We'll see as Braiden gets older.

Following delivery, they moved me into the maternity ward. Braiden was in-room with us all night long. I am exclusively breastfeeding until I go back to work and we'll see how my milk supply keeps up when I go back. The first night in maternity I didn't have a roommate and the second night I did so Jeff had to go home, but he stayed till midnight and came back at 5am with a nice White Chocolate Mocha for me <3 YUMM. I missed caffeine!

As for the do I want more - yes, I still do. I mean it's been a month now and though I remember the pain, the moment when I got to hold my baby boy in my arms...makes me want more! I'm hoping to have a houseful and have 4 children, but we shall seeeee as time goes on.

I hear Braiden now and should go nurse him...SO glad I finally finished my 'birthing experience'.

Mama Val

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome Braiden Michael Vinco Bartlett

Welcome Braiden Michael Vinco Bartlett! Born July 9, 2009 at 5:24pm. 7 lbs 4 oz & 20 in. long. <3

Friday, July 03, 2009

Baby Room

Here are pics of Braiden's current set up both upstairs in our house and downstairs.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Maternity Photos & 37 weeks!

It has been quite some time since I've updated this! My most sincere apologies for the delay! It has been a very hectic past few weeks. Following the bay area baby shower - we had our Sacramento baby shower which was a huge succes - photos to follow.

As one of our gifts, Braiden's godmother, Amanda Baker purchased a maternity photo shoot for us so that we could capture this very special moment in our lives.  THANK YOU & I LOVE YOU. 

Excuse my roots - I didn't want to put bleach in my hair while Brai was developing, but I want to get my hair done some time this week - I MISS MY HIGHLIGHTS!!

There are a few pics that Joelle (the photographer) added to her blog. The rest of the set will be available sometime this week.

For baby updates - I am officially 37 weeks as of yesterday, June 19th! This means that the baby can survive outside of the womb on his own. My official due date is July 10 (calculated at my 40 week mark) so it could be any day now.

I'm feeling great, but my feet are relatively swollen...I am focusing on drinking more water. I've finished getting all the baby stuff put away and organized into their spots so we are GOOD TO GO. I weigh 163 lbs!!!! I have NEVER seen tha tnumber on the scale and I'm hoping I can recoupe sometime soon!

I will post pics of all his stuff and the rooms very shortly :) Baby is head down, feet up in my belly his back is on my right side and his hands are on the left. Braiden has hiccups often, and they are the cutest thing ever. I can't wait to meet him! I can't wait for everyone to meet him. This weekend, Jeff's little sister is @ soccer camp @ Stanford so for my daily 'outing' I would like to watch her play for a little bit.

Other than that - I have to finish mailing out thank you cards for the baby shower(s) and do grown up people laundry (mine and jeffs)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

30 Days to Go!!!!

This past weekend Jessica, Natalie and Erin hosted my Bay Area Baby Shower.  It was so much fun and so good to see everyone!  It was a bbq/hangout more than anything else, but it was just great to spend time with my bay area friends.  

We are now 30 days away from my official due date and I am getting so very, very, anxious for the baby to arrive already!  He's still moving a TON day in and day out.  He is typically most active at 10:30pm...he's starting to boot me a lot now.  It's really fun to guess which limb I'm feeling and to feel his hiccups.  I was feeling what I thought was my very own heartbeat - but I learned this weekend that they are the baby's hiccups!  Isn't that cute?!?!!  It's a good sign that his lungs are developing :)

My nutritionist appointment went well - I only see her ONE more time before I deliver.  I have my appointment with Dr. Ecklund on Friday and my pre-admission papers are all filed.  We just have to take a tour of the hospital to make sure we know where to go during hours, after hours and to get an idea of what to expect on the big day!  

We're getting so close and I am so very very anxious :-)  We have our last baby shower with friends and family in Sacramento this weekend.  On Sunday, we will also be taking our professional photos with a photographer - provided by Braiden's godmother, Amanda Baker.  We are so excited and can't wait for it!


Val & Baby

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Congratulations Catherine & Eric!

I am 45 days away from my due date and I can't be more excited. I got a SUPER exciting text from Yoder (Catherine Casuag) this morning - that her doc is going to induce.

She's going to have her lil girl tonight or tomorrow at the latest. I am SO excited for her and eric!!! I'm even more anxious to meet Braiden now.

This weekend we picked up the crib/high chair/pack and play from home. My mom had them stored from her daycare client that was handing them down to us. I'm so excited to set it all up when I get home!!!

Aaaaah - I hope these next few weeks FLY - it's going to be SUPER busy and crazy fun.

<3 Val

Saturday, May 23, 2009

LA Baby Shower - Success

Take a peek :) THANK YOU JULIE, SAMI, TASHI, & SOPHIE for being wonderful hosts.

Great success.  This memorial day weekend - we're off to Sacramento to watch Uncle Angelo graduate from college and to spend a few days in some HOT HOT HOT weather.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Braiden's Schedule

Sami called me yesterday as her and Julie were picking up plates etc. from Party City (LOVE these girls so much). I was talking to Sami about how often Braiden moves - and it was funny that I know his schedule already. He's kicking a lot when I first wake up. Then he naps until I have my morning snack/breakfast at work. Then he naps again until a little after lunch, and then he wakes up for HIS full day when I'm winding down at home. He tends to be really active from 6pm - 11pm and I'm sure he moves a lot when I'm sleeping but I'm usually knocked out by 11pm.


I'm so excited to be going to LA on Thursday to see all of my friends and to be able to share my 31st week of pregnancy with them!!! I can't believe it's only 6 more weeks and I'm considered full term. It's such a crazy journey, but I'm so excited! I'm anxious. Jeff and I went to our birthing class this weekend (waste of $160)...we were supposed to go from 9am-4pm on both saturday and sunday - but we skipped sunday because saturday was already painful enough. Never again will i put myself or him through thtat.

Nothing else much to update at this point - I've submitted my proposed maternity leave, and am getting the overnight bag ready and the house ready for B's arrival. I'm holding off on purchasing the homecoming outfit - although I know exactly what im going to get for Braiden if we don't receive any layette outfits at the baby shower(s).

Hope you folks are all doing well!

With Love,
Val & Braiden

Thursday, April 23, 2009

LA Baby Shower

Whoot whoot - first baby shower is on it's way. Julie will be hosting it on May 9, 2009 (the day after spring sing!) I'm so excited to see all my friends and share this special time in my life with them.

I am 29 weeks tomorrow meaning I am 11 weeks away from my due date!!! Two months and 3 weeks!!! Can you believe it?

I owe you people belly pics... so stay tuned.

I'm currently monitoring my blood levels 4x a day and on a strict eating regiment per my nutritionist. I have to watch my starches and carbs and dairy and fruit intake...aka I have to eat veggies (not potatoe, peas or corn) and meat!

It's annoying, but like I said before---anything to be a good mommy. I'm tired and it's been a LONG day at work. SO - I'm out.

Val & Baby Braiden

Monday, April 13, 2009

The 'Glory' of Pregnancy

This weekend - I spent some time talking about the 'joys of pregnancy' with Berlyn. I'm straight up and tell people straight up what it's like to be pregnant.

Do I love it? NO...but when I see Braiden...I won't remember a thing about the pregnancy because he is MORE than worth it. I've broken out, gotten big, worried about things I wouldn't ever worry about before, my boobs grow towards the floor, I can't see my feet, he kicks (which i love and adore, but also despise) I have way less energy to work out, my back hurts, I hardly have any clothes that I can fit into, I've gone from heels to tennis shoes..the list of the 'negatives' goes on and on.

On the flip side the biggest positive, and the only one that matters is that I have a little miracle inside of me that was conceived in love. I enjoy the thought of motherhood, of parenting, of my family with jeff, and of the future I have and how privileged I'll be to be the mother of Braiden. To instill within a human being your own values, thoughts, beliefs, opions, to love ANOTHER being unconditionally and to be a mom - it's priceless, and I wouldn't take anything back.

So you don't get to drink alcohol, or eat and partake in gluttonous activites that most of my friends and family can... but I have a son...and I couldn't be any happier.


here's to motherhood - B... I hope you will join me here soon.

I had to take a second glucose test because my blood sugar level was elevated on my first test. I went in for the 3 hour long test last friday, and one of the blood sugar levels was abnormal, but 2 of the four need to be abnormal to have gestational diabetes.

SO, although I'm not reallly a candidate for gestational diabetes - I need to see the nutritionist for diet recommendatons because it's important. My doctor gave me the referral so now I need to schedule an appointment with the nutritionist. I suppose she/he will suggest a diet regiment for me and then test my blood sugar levels until I give birth. I will see him/her twice a week and if my blood sugar improves through diet (and I'll say exercise) then I will only see her once a month. I'll do my best to limit my sugar intake and to be a good's rough, but I'll do it because really I just want to be the best mom I can be.

That's it for now - i still owe you people belly pics... stay tuned.

With Love,

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Baby Braiden Updates

Yesterday marked six and a half months. Meaning that I only have 3 and a half months (at the least) till my little one arrives. He moves alllll the time and man I can't wait for him to get here.

I'm actually at the lab right now getting my test for gestational diabetes. They give you this solution that tastes like hawaiian punch and you have to drink it within five minutes....then get your blood drawn an hour later. I'm on my BB in the waiting room and they'll be drawing my blood at exactly 1135.

If the doc doesn't call in 3 days everything is ok - if there are abnormalities then they'll give me a call and ill have to do some other tests. Its alwyas nerve wracking to take tests - but I'm sure everything will be ok.

After this appointment jeff and I are off to the Guiants and A's game at the collesium.
There's a bratty little boy here right now - about 5 years old...I guess he's gonna get his blood drwan but still - no reason to be actin a fool.

I can see how the parents hella baby him and let him get away with everything. The older bro in the fam just hit his mom with the zipper on his jacket and his mom said stop - and he keeps on goin... I'm going to make sure briden is well behaved.

I had my monthly checkup last monday and everything was great. Good blood pressure and good strong heartbeat for braiden.

After my next appointment on april 28 I start seeinf dr. Ecklund every 2 weeks!! How crazy is that - it means were getting close.

Anywa I'm going to get off the crackberry now and enjoy my weekend.

Take care!!!
Love - mama val

Monday, March 23, 2009

Round Ligament Pain

I haven't been able to update as much as I've wanted to...sorry! I have taken pics but just haven't gotten around to uploading them qute yet. I have a lot on my plate with work and cleaning up around the house and march madness...haahhaaa so it's been a little quiet from me.

I've been experiencing some tenderness and achiness in my lower abdomen and it was really freaking me out...especially since I hadn't felt Braiden moving as much as he used to. I called my doc and she says that if I haven't had any bleeding and no severe pain then everything should be ok. Also - most of the pin tends to be on my right side and only comes up when I'm walking around. They call this pain (which is normal during my stage in the pregnancy) - round ligament pain. It is essentially the same reason that my ribs hurt so much - my uterus is growing outside of my pelfic bone which creates a lot of discomfort. Similarly, my uterus is growing upward and Braiden happents to like to rest a limb or his head near my ribs. It's crazy.

I won't know for sure what the achiness in my abdomen is, but my next baby appointment is on March 31 so I'll know soon enough. He has been back up to speed and kicking plenty enough for me to notice him throughout the day.

I can't wait to be a mommy and have been buying some really ridiculously cute clothes - maybe I'll take a pic of the stuff I've bought so far.... anyway...that's about it for me. :)

Check back soon - I'll have updates again in the next few days.

<3 Val

Monday, March 09, 2009


I've been a huge failure on keeping this up to date! It's been two weeks and one day since my last post and I STILL haven't uploaded a new belly pic.

Things have been hectic as you can imagine. I've been busy WORKING OUT! :) Jeff and I had our monthly checkup on March 3rd and AFP screen results were good - lowest risk for all 4 things they analyze and also my placenta is at a good spot. I did find out that I weight 145 - WOOPS.

The doctor said she only expected me to be in/around 137 so I definitely exceeded that so I've been a little more conscious about the decisions I've been making in terms of food and I've supplemented all of my juice drinking with water.

I purchased headphones for Braiden and put on Journey, some rock, classical, and hip hop for him to listen to - he LOVES Journey and Phil Collins! <3 LOL. So exciting. Fist pumpin in my tummy already. He usually is pretty active from 5/6pm onward but as of late he's been a little bit more active DURING the day as opposed to later on...I think he's also thrown off by the time change.

Braiden is doing great, I'm great, Jeff is great - mohawk and all. I'll wrap this up and get to my wedding planning - but stay tuned for pics!!! I will get those up as soon as I can.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our Engagement Story

Last weekend, Jeff and I got engaged.  On February 14th - Jeff officially proposed and I finally got my bling bling!  :-)  I'm loving it.  Obviously it is a little anti-climactic since I'm already pregnant, but I'm still SO SO SO happy.  

Some of you have asked how it happened so here are the who what where when etc. of the special night.

Who:  Jeff, me, Jacob (Jeff's best friend), Katie (Jacob's girlfriend)
What:  Engagement night
Where:  Pier 39, San Francisco, CA
When:  Around 7:30ish - Sat, 2/14/09
Why:  Duh.

Full story:
We had a double date planned for Valentine's day.  We were going to play and frolic around the city with Jake and Katie.  We picked up Jake and Katie from their hotel and Jeff told me that him and Jake needed to be dropped off on Market St. because Jake forgot to get Katie a gift.  SO, I say okay - coo...I'll play it off and pretend like I don't know what's going on.

So all of a sudden we're rolling down on Market Street, and Jake and Jeff go, OK - girls go get your nails done or something I'll call you when we're done.  So Katie and I are obviously wondering what's going on and I supposedly 'know' that Jake forgot to get Katie a gift so I play it off and say, "Jeff probably didn't get me anything - so he's running to grab something for me real quick."  Katie asked me, "Oh does he procrastinate a lot or something?" I said, "Girrrrlll, we've been together for almost 7 years and he hasn't proposed yet...if that isn't procrastination, I don't know what is."

Little did I know - the ENTIRE time...Katie knew that this was the moment where Jeff was actually picking up my engagement ring from the jewelers.  I had been double-crossed....but I had no idea.

So the day continues on, we picked Jeff and Jacob back up from market street and make our way to the pier.  We have a great dinner at the Fog Harbor Fish House - service was a littttle whack, but overall it was a good dinner.  I had lobster, calamari, shrimp cocktail, bread, veggies, potatoes and some 7up.  Pretty good.  We wrap up dinner and head back toward the main pier.  Jeff says we should all walk down the pier and Jacob and Katie say they want to find a bathroom first.  So Jeff and I walk ahead down the pier and pull over almost towards the end into this little divot/lookout point.  We walked arm in arm or hand in hand maybe then stood in each others' embrace at the lookout point.  

Jeff said, "You know, I really meant everything I said in your Valentine's Day card... I couldn't do anything without you - I love you so much"  So we hug, kiss, make out, and just look out and talk for another few minutes.  Then Jeff looks over my shoulder and says, "Do you see that over there?  is that something else we could do while we're out here."  Not expecting anything, I turn around and take a look at what he's saying and when I turn back around - Jeff is on his knees with ring in hand open in a nice little box and says, "Will you marry me."  Obviously, as tears roll down my face I said, "YES!  Of course I will..."  and so the night went on we ended up going to a bar to 'celebrate' so they all drank and I had water...LOL then we went back to Jacob and Katie's room in this crazy part of the city called the Tenderloin.  We change and head out to the Fusion bar and lounge a couple blocks away.  Jeff and I aren't really into that scene - well not anymore anyway - so we called it a night around midnight and went back to our place back in Sunnyvale.

Great night, and now - a wedding to plan on top of planning for the arrival of Braiden.  Whew....what a year and a half of my life this is going to be.  

Belly pics and my blog about being 20 weeks prego to come shortly - must get laundry and clean upstairs first.  :)


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's a BOY!

This morning we found out that it's a B O Y!  

Since Jeff and I are crazy - and have been together forever and talked about our family/this day since we were still teenagers, we've already picked out a name.

Braiden Michael Bartlett.

So, I can't wait for you all to meet him!

Mama Val

Belly Photo at 19 Weeks and 2 Days

Here is my belly at 19 weeks and 2 days along.  As you can see I now have some BLING BLING on my left hand - Jeff proposed on Valentine's day... I'm off to go get ready for my girlfriend's BDAY celebration but will update everything soon.

Val & Braiden

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 17th!

Hello everyone!

On Tuesday, February 17th, Jeff and I will find out the gender of our Baby Bartlett :) We are so thrilled and excited to finally figure this out so that we can stop calling the baby "it" or "the baby." Since we already ahve names picked out, it'll be so much fun to start calling the baby his/her name.

We will start putting headphones with classical music onto the baby at 20 weeks which is next Friday!!

Every Friday I am another week along, and the exciting benchmark is that next week is the halfway mark. There happens to be a misconception that pregnancy is only 9 months, but I learned that it is actually 10 months.

I promise to have belly pics every week from this week till the end of my pregnancy so you can see my progress.... stay tuned for the outcome of the ultrasound and for finalized baby shower dates in your area :) (SF Bay Area, Sacramento, or Los Angeles) it sounds pretty diva, but it's just practical so that I can share my experience and happiness with all of you! to work.

<3 Val & Baby

Monday, February 02, 2009

Fake Out!

My OB has done an ultrasound at each appointment. Today, when I went in, we only listened to the heartbeat!!! Here I was excited as heck to find out the gender, and kablaaam...we're going to have to wait till February 17th to find out the gender of the baby. It was still cool to hear the heartbeat.. my vitals are good, I'm 100/66 on blood pressure, and my pee looks good...nothing alarming found in it and i weigh.... 136 pounds!! HOLY SHEIZER.

Ok... off to eat... again. <3

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Out of the bella bands...into full on maternity gear

I just finished up at Andrea's happy hour for her bday. It was fun but obviously challenging cuz what is a preggo girl to do at a happy hour. Luckily there were fries for me :) and also risotto balls...appetizing...absolutely. My aversion to chicken is really starting to make me angry, because chicken is good lean meat for your body. Today, my coworkers and I also went out to lunch to celebrate Andrea's bday and I really wanted to get the chiccken teriyaki, but I decided against it becuase I really can't stand the sight/smell/taste of chicken...unless it's fried..or it has boston market on its packaging.

I forgot to upload one of my favorite pregnancy pictures so far since I have it on Facebook..but i realize some people that read this don't have a facebook account (MOM AND DAD!!) hahahaa it's good that you dont though... 143!

I just love how bone is cupping my belly. It's been so great to have the love and support from all of my family, friends, and especially my work. I have my bella band on today and it is looking like it's not going to be cutting it for that much longer...I'll see what I can do about getting a couple of pairs of decent maternity jeans. It's so expensive!!!! But hey, worth the investment cuz I'm sure this one won't be our last.'s almost time to hop off of the train so me and baby are going to call it a to Seattle for business tomorrow with a 6:30am flight -- YIKES!!! baby is already taking after mama...down to business right away LOL

Val & Baby Bartlett

Monday, January 26, 2009

4 Months!!!

This is my - what I love most and what I like least about being pregnant post.  

What I like least (I always like the bad first):
  • breaking out (hormones)
  • craving all sorts of sour, fatty, and sweet things
  • lacking energy to work out
  • getting bigger and not having as many choices for things to wear
  • maternity clothes being SO expensive
  • feeling breathless so quickly
  • people I don't really know touching my belly
  • getting my blood drawn a lot
What I <3
  • everything not listed above
  • feeling the baby move
  • seeing the ultrasound 
  • being consistently amazed that I have a BABY in me
  • looking at maternity items
  • looking at nursery/baby items
  • anticipating the next day, week, month, and year - where I will have the chance to experience all sorts of firsts :) (first movement, first kick, first contraction...etc)
  • the love and support from Jeff, family, and friends
  • thinking about my FAMILY - because it's going to be real!
  • people I love rubbing my belly/talking to the baby
  • continually challenging myself to be the best mom (making sure to stay on top of everything - even if it means sleeping on my left side or doing crossword and sudoku to keep my brain sharp)
I have been looking at TONS of maternity things and things for the baby and I am just so excited.  I want some ridiculous things - like a Kate Spade or Burberry Diaper bag...and I've also seen a juicy couture stroller/lacoste stroller... but as cute as those things are, I am being realistic about what I can afford and what we need.  :)

There are all sorts of questions for when the baby times it is overwhelming but I know that everything will be okay in the end.  I feel the baby move all the time now..little flutters and bubbles in my tummy all day long.  It is so exciting, but I am obviously exhausted.  

Until next time.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Daddy Bartlett feels Baby Bartlett

Last night, Jeff felt the baby move for the first time. I laid down while we were watching TV and had him put his hand over my belly. After 10-15 minutes of his hand being on the lower left of my abdomen, he felt twitch-like movements on my belly and felt the baby move for the first time!

It was so wonderful that he got to feel the baby! :-) The baby moved a lot, especially when I was eating my chilled canned peaches, and earlier today while i was drinking cold water....I can already tell it's a summer baby (and hates the cold!)

So excited for July to come around!

<3 Val

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Baby Movement!

Two days ago, I felt the baby move for the first time!!! I was helping Jeff with his math homework on Friday night and I felt these weird bubbles in my stomach. It wasn't like gas, it wasn't like a growling was the BABY. It was crazy. It was so weird. Then on Saturday morning when I was laying on my left side, I felt a poke. I wish I would feel these more often, but just knowing that the baby is alive and well and fluttering/kicking/moving inside of me is phenomenal. I'm so excited to be a mom!!

<3 Val

Friday, January 16, 2009

15 Weeks Today! - and my belly is getting bigger!

I haven't been nauseous in awhile and I also haven't had any migraines or headaches...KNOCK ON WOOD. I'm really loving my job right now, even though the goals are really really high and it's lots and lots of work...I love that I am always busy and always working to help the growth and success of our company.

I took a picture this morning for Jessica (Jesser/Yoder) and I sent it to her and my dad, and they think I look huge for being 3 mos and 3 weeks. Today marks week 15!!! I'm so excited. I can't believe there's a 'lil one in me... and what I'm really excited about is getting to feel the baby move and finding out the gender.

Our next prenatal is February 5th and our ultrasound to figure out the gender will be on February 17th! That same week I have to get my blood drawn, but like I said last time, I'll do anything for the baby.

Jeff got me an 80 minute (yes 1 and a 1/2 hours) prenatal massage at the spa at his gym! I am so so so so so so excited for it! The gift certificate that grandma got me for Christmas was for a spa in Sacramento so I'm going to have to make my way home for that sometime soon.

Here are the pics from my train ride this morning so you can see how big the tummers is and if I've gained any weight in my face.

With Love,
Val & Baby

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

From January 12th

Last Thursday before heading to LA for Berlyn’s wedding, I had a pregnancy first. It was the first time I had ever vomited from my pregnancy. It was disgusting. I felt my entire lunch come back up. I started to feel better once I showered and took a nap, but it was definitely a long drive.

My belly now measures 34.5” around the belly button, and I no longer fit into B-sized bras (as evidenced by the bra I attempted to purchase at Victoria’s Secret this weekend). My last weight at our last prenatal appointment was 129, so I’ve only gained two pounds.

I haven’t had any weird cravings, although I was really in the mood for salt & vinegar chips last night. I settled for the thought of a block of cheddar cheese, but to my disappointment, there was a spot of mold on the block, so I threw it all out.

Jeff and I had a fantastic weekend in Southern California. It was a wondrous 85 degrees and it’s January. I want to go back there so badly! Hopefully Jeff will end up at USC or UCSD or SDSU and we’ll be able to move back there.

Berlyn and Sal’s wedding was magnificent. B looked so beautiful and she was all smiles, all night long. I can’t even begin to tell you how crazy it is to think of where they started and where they are today.

I tried to dance at the reception but I was winded pretty easily. It must have been the second or third song in and I was already in need of a break. I definitely felt some impediment on my movement, but overall I still had a really, really good time. I obviously played DD for the night and took everyone back home from the wedding to the hotel. It was only a 3 mile drive so it wasn’t a big deal.

It was a jam-packed weekend, so I’ll likely be resting come Friday…but man it was AMAZING. This week the baby is able to make facial expressions!! I finally made my public announcement on Facebook and I couldn’t be any more glad to get it out in th open <3.

That’s it for now. Until next time…

<3 Val & Baby

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Hairy & Tired

Jeff and I had our second prenatal appointment yesterday. It was quick and easy. The doctor took all my vitals, and then did another ultrasound. The baby looks great, it's got a big ol' head (which is probably mine, since Jeff's head is pretty small). The legs of baby were still really small but we could see the arm full and clear. It's still too early to know what the gender is, but we'll be going in for that ultrasound on February 17th!! I'm so very excited. I also have to get some more bloodwork done during my 16th or 17th week for prescreening for down's syndrome and neural tube defects etc. I hate getting my blood drawn, but obviously anything for the baby. :)

I noticed at the doctor's appointment that I have a LOT of hair on my belly now! How crazy is that. I was talking to Christa when we were home last and she was saying that she got a little bit hairier too, in fact, she had sideburns, but she said it all went away. It is just so weird to see my body changing.

I'm pretty emotional. I feel like crying a lot and I am very, very, very exhausted after work and my commute. I know that in time everything will get better, but I am so excited that everything is going well so far.

I haven't gotten around to finalizing the details for the Babymoon, but I am really looking forward to it. Our next big date night is going to be at the Sharks game on March 28th...Grandpa got us tickets for Christmas. <3 to help Jeff with his schoolwork.


Kisses & Love,
Valerie & Baby Bartlett

Thursday, January 01, 2009


Today, I signed up for  It is's version of getting ready for pregnancy.  ON their weekly checklist, they suggested planning a Babymoon!  How exciting.  Since we already have a lot of things on our plate financially, Jeff and I are thinking about a little weekend getaway to Carmel, Monterey, Napa, Calistoga, or Santa Cruz.  I know that it's just another thing to think about in the grand scheme of things, but I think that it will be such a great little get away for us.  My goal for our family is to make it to a cruise and go to Disneyland before the baby turns 5.  :)  As I get further along in planning the babymoon, I'll keep you updated.  We'll likely be going mid second trimester.  So in or around 24 weeks.  Hope everyone had a GREAT New Year's celebration and I wish you all the best in 2009!

Val & baby Bartlett  <3

Baby Bartlett

NestBaby Pregnancy Ticker